

Attribute Type Description
Read-only attribute
id Integer Unique identifier in Fakturoid
webhook_url String URL of webhook endpoint
auth_header String Value send in Authorization header
active Boolean Send webhook?
events Array[String] List of events when webhook is fired
Read-only attribute
url String Webhook API address
Read-only attribute
created_at DateTime Date and time of webhook creation
Read-only attribute
updated_at DateTime Date and time of last webhook update
  • Required attribute
    Required attribute (must always be present).
  • Read-only attribute
    Read-only attribute (cannot be changed).
  • Write-only attribute
    Write-only attribute (will not be returned).
  • Unmarked attributes are optional and can be omitted during request.


  • New webhooks are available only for accounts with plans Základ and Komplet.
  • Every account can create webhooks in their account in Fakturoid UI. How to create webhooks in you account see the support page (cz).
  • In addition to UI, new webhooks can also be created and managed via API. This option is currently restricted only to integrations using the authorization code flow that were approved by us. Otherwise, a Status 403 response will be returned.
  • To manage webhooks via the API, please contact our support team first. Without prior authorization, a Status 403 response will be returned.
  • OAuth integration can manage only its own webhooks; access to other webhooks within the account is restricted.
  • When an OAuth integration is revoked, all associated webhooks are automatically deleted.


Webhooks are triggered when one of resources listed below is modified. Action may be triggered by user interaction, API call, or automatically (e.g. invoice is marked as overdue). Some events may include additional payload, which contains related resources to the event. For more information about the payload, please refer to the section on Payload Content.

Event name Additional payload Description
invoice_created Invoice was created. Event is triggered automatically, including when invoice is created by recurring generator or as a result of paying proforma.
invoice_updated Invoice was updated. Event is also triggered when tags are modified or attachment is removed.
invoice_removed Invoice was deleted and moved to the trash.
invoice_restored Invoice was restored from the trash.
invoice_overdue Invoice was marked as overdue.
invoice_paid payment: Payment Payment was added to document and marked it as paid. Payload contains payment data.
invoice_payment_added payment: Payment Payment was added to the invoice, but didn't mark it as paid. Payload contains payment data.
invoice_payment_removed payments: Array[Payment] Invoice was marked as unpaid, and the payments in the additional payload were removed.
invoice_sent Email with the invoice was sent to the subject.
invoice_locked Invoice was locked.
invoice_unlocked Invoice was unlocked
invoice_cancelled Invoice was marked as cancelled.
invoice_cancellation_removed Cancellation was removed.
invoice_uncollectible Invoice was marked as uncollectible.
invoice_uncollectible_removed Uncollectibility was removed.
Event name Additional payload Description
generator_created Generator was created.
generator_updated Generator was updated. Event is also triggered when tags are modified or attachment is removed.
generator_removed Generator was deleted and moved to the trash.
generator_restored Generator was restored from the trash.
Event name Additional payload Description
recurring_generator_created Recurring generator was created. Event is also triggered when tags are modified, attachment is removed or recurring generator is activated again.
recurring_generator_updated Recurring generator was updated.
recurring_generator_removed Recurring generator was deleted and moved to the trash.
recurring_generator_restored Recurring generator was restored from the trash.
recurring_generator_invoice_created invoice: Invoice Recurring generator created an invoice.
recurring_generator_paused Recurring generator was paused.
Event name Additional payload Description
expense_created Expense was created.
expense_updated Expense was updated. Event is also triggered when tags are modified or attachment is removed.
expense_removed Expense was deleted and moved to the trash.
expense_restored Expense was restored from the trash.
expense_overdue Expense was marked as overdue.
expense_paid payment: Payment Expense was marked as paid. Payment object is included in payload.
expense_payment_added payment: Payment Payment was added to the expense, but the document is still not marked as paid.
expense_payment_removed payments: Array[Payment] Expense was marked as unpaid, and payments in additional payload were removed.
expense_locked Expense was locked.
expense_unlocked Expense was unlocked
Event name Additional payload Description
inbox_file_created Inbox file was created.
inbox_file_updated Inbox file was updated.
inbox_file_removed expense: Expense Inbox file was deleted. If expense was created from inbox file, expense attribute is contained in payload.
inventory_item_removed_all count: Integer All inbox files were deleted. Payload contains only number of deleted records.
inbox_file_ocr_processing_failed Uploading file for OCR processing failed.
inbox_file_ocr_processing_rejected OCR processing was rejected by external service.
inbox_file_ocr_processed OCR data were extracted.
Event name Additional payload Description
inventory_item_created Inventory item was created.
inventory_item_updated Inventory item was updated.
inventory_item_removed Inventory item was deleted.
inventory_item_archived Inventory item was archived.
inventory_item_unarchived Inventory item was unarchived.
Event name Additional payload Description
inventory_move_created inventory_item: InventoryItem Inventory move was created. Modified InventoryItem is included in payload.
inventory_move_updated inventory_item: InventoryItem Inventory move was updated. Modified InventoryItem is included in payload.
inventory_move_removed inventory_item: InventoryItem Inventory move was deleted. Modified InventoryItem is included in payload.
Event name Additional payload Description
subject_created Subject was created.
subject_updated Subject was updated.
subject_removed Subject was deleted.

Webhook index


GET https://app.fakturoid.cz/api/v3/accounts/{slug}/webhooks.json


Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (yourname@example.com)

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp

Query Parameters

Name Description Type Example
page Page number (40 records per page) Integer 2


Status 200 OK


    "id": 5,
    "webhook_url": "https://example.com/webhook",
    "auth_header": "Bearer TOKEN",
    "active": true,
    "events": [
    "url": "https://app.fakturoid.cz/api/v3/accounts/applecorp/webhooks/5.json",
    "created_at": "2024-06-12T13:29:23.568+02:00",
    "updated_at": "2024-06-12T13:29:23.568+02:00"

Webhook Detail


GET https://app.fakturoid.cz/api/v3/accounts/{slug}/webhooks/{id}.json


Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (yourname@example.com)

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp


Status 200 OK


  "id": 5,
  "webhook_url": "https://example.com/webhook",
  "auth_header": "Bearer TOKEN",
  "active": true,
  "events": [
  "url": "https://app.fakturoid.cz/api/v3/accounts/applecorp/webhooks/5.json",
  "created_at": "2024-06-12T13:29:23.568+02:00",
  "updated_at": "2024-06-12T13:29:23.568+02:00"

Create Webhook

  • After successful template creation, you will receive a 201 Created response from the server, the location header will be set to the address of the newly created template.
  • If non-valid data is sent, you will receive a 422 Unprocessable Entity response from the server and a JSON with a list of errors in the sent data.


POST https://app.fakturoid.cz/api/v3/accounts/{slug}/webhooks.json


Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (yourname@example.com)
Content-Type application/json

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp


  "webhook_url": "https://example.com/webhook",
  "auth_header": "Bearer TOKEN",
  "events": [


Status 201 Created


Name Value
Location https://app.fakturoid.cz/api/v3/accounts/applecorp/webhooks/5.json


  "id": 5,
  "webhook_url": "https://example.com/webhook",
  "auth_header": "Bearer TOKEN",
  "active": true,
  "events": [
  "url": "https://app.fakturoid.cz/api/v3/accounts/applecorp/webhooks/5.json",
  "created_at": "2024-06-12T13:29:23.568+02:00",
  "updated_at": "2024-06-12T13:29:23.568+02:00"

Request with invalid data


  "webhook_url": "https://example.com/webhook",
  "events": []


Status 422 Unprocessable Entity


  "errors": {
    "events": [
      "can't be empty",

Update Webhook

  • If webhook is successfuly updated the server will respond with 200 OK and a JSON body with its data.
  • Request with invalid data will result in response 422 Unprocessable Entity with a JSON body describing errors found in the request.


PATCH https://app.fakturoid.cz/api/v3/accounts/{slug}/webhooks/{id}.json


Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (yourname@example.com)
Content-Type application/json

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp
id Webhook ID Integer 17


  "active": false


Status 200 OK


  "id": 5,
  "webhook_url": "https://example.com/webhook",
  "auth_header": "Bearer TOKEN",
  "active": false,
  "events": [
  "url": "https://app.fakturoid.cz/api/v3/accounts/applecorp/webhooks/5.json",
  "created_at": "2024-06-12T13:29:23.568+02:00",
  "updated_at": "2024-06-12T13:32:14.863+02:00"

Request with invalid data


  "events": []


Status 422 Unprocessable Entity


  "errors": {
    "events": [
      "can't be empty",

Delete Webhook

After deleting the webhook the server will respond with 204 No Content.


DELETE https://app.fakturoid.cz/api/v3/accounts/{slug}/webhooks/{id}.json


Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (yourname@example.com)

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp
id Webhook ID Integer 1


Status 204 No Content

Webhook delivery

Webhooks are delivered as HTTP POST requests containing JSON payload to the URL specified in the webhook configuration. Optionally, Authorization header is set to the value specified in the auth_header attribute of the webhook.

Receiver must acknowledge the delivery by responding with a status code 2xx within 30 seconds. Otherwise the webhook delivery will be retried up to 5 times with an exponential backoff.

Payload Content

Attribute Type Description
webhook_id Integer Unique identifier of the webhook
event_name String Name of the event
created_at DateTime Date and time of the event
body Object Event payload

The body contains a resources related to event. For instance, when an invoice is created, the body contains an invoice key with the serialized Invoice object. When additional attributes are listed in the table, they are also included in the body object. More information may be found in the attributes section of API documentation related to the resource.

For example, when an invoice is paid, a payment object is included in the body object. Thus JSON contains an invoice object and a payment object under the body key.

          "name":"Magic mouse",



When payload relates to bulk action, additional attributes are included under pluralized resource name. For example, when all inbox files are removed, the payload contains an inbox_files key with number of removed records.

  "webhook_id": 13,
  "event_name": "inbox_file_removed_all",
  "created_at": "2024-06-13T14:16:33.114+02:00",
  "body": {
  "inbox_files": {
    "count": 2