

Attribute Type Description
Read-only attribute
subdomain String Name of the account
Read-only attribute
plan String Subscription plan
Read-only attribute
plan_price Integer Price of subscription plan
Read-only attribute
plan_paid_users Integer Number of paid users
Read-only attribute
invoice_email String Email for sending invoices
Read-only attribute
phone String Phone number
Read-only attribute
web String Account owner's website
Read-only attribute
name String The name of the company
Read-only attribute
full_name String Name of the account holder
Read-only attribute
registration_no String Registration number
Read-only attribute
vat_no String Tax identification number
Read-only attribute
local_vat_no String Tax identification number for SK subject
Read-only attribute
vat_mode String VAT mode
Values: vat_payer, non_vat_payer, identified_person
Read-only attribute
vat_price_mode String VAT calculation mode
Values: with_vat, without_vat, numerical_with_vat, from_total_with_vat
Default: without_vat
Read-only attribute
street String Street
Read-only attribute
city String City
Read-only attribute
zip String Postal code
Read-only attribute
country String Country (ISO Code)
Read-only attribute
currency String Default currency (ISO Code)
Read-only attribute
unit_name String Default measurement unit
Read-only attribute
vat_rate Integer Default VAT rate
Read-only attribute
displayed_note String Invoice footer
Read-only attribute
invoice_note String Text before lines
Read-only attribute
due Integer Default number of days until an invoice becomes overdue
Read-only attribute
invoice_language String Default invoice language
Values: cz, sk, en, de, fr, it, es, ru, pl, hu, ro
Default: cz
Read-only attribute
invoice_payment_method String Default payment method
Values: bank, card, cash, cod (cash on delivery), paypal
When value is null, then bank method is used.
Read-only attribute
invoice_proforma Boolean Issue proforma by default
Read-only attribute
invoice_hide_bank_account_for_payments Array[String] Hide bank account for payments
Values: card, cash, cod (cash on delivery), paypal
Default: null
Read-only attribute
fixed_exchange_rate Boolean Fixed exchange rate
Read-only attribute
invoice_selfbilling Boolean Selfbilling enabled?
Read-only attribute
default_estimate_type String Default estimate in English
Values: estimate, quote
When value is null, then estimate is used.
Read-only attribute
send_overdue_email Boolean Send overdue reminders automatically?
Read-only attribute
overdue_email_days Integer Days after the due date to send a automatic overdue reminder?
Read-only attribute
send_repeated_reminders Boolean Send automatic overdue reminders repeatedly?
Read-only attribute
send_invoice_from_proforma_email Boolean Send email automatically when proforma is paid?
Read-only attribute
send_thank_you_email Boolean Send a thank you email when invoices is paid automatically?
Read-only attribute
invoice_paypal Boolean PayPal enabled for all invoices?
Read-only attribute
invoice_gopay Boolean GoPay enabled for all invoices?
Read-only attribute
digitoo_enabled Boolean Digitoo service enabled?
Read-only attribute
digitoo_auto_processing_enabled Boolean Digitoo service auto processing enabled
Read-only attribute
digitoo_extractions_remaining Integer Number of remaining extractions by Digitoo service
Read-only attribute
created_at String Account creation date
Read-only attribute
updated_at String The date the account was last modified
  • Required attribute
    Required attribute (must always be present).
  • Read-only attribute
    Read-only attribute (cannot be changed).
  • Write-only attribute
    Write-only attribute (will not be returned).
  • Unmarked attributes are optional and can be omitted during request.

Account Detail

Account detail is read-only, please use the web interface to make changes.




Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp


Status 200 OK


  "subdomain": "applecorp",
  "plan": "Na maximum",
  "plan_price": 460,
  "plan_paid_users": 0,
  "invoice_email": "",
  "phone": null,
  "web": null,
  "name": "Alexandr Hejsek",
  "full_name": null,
  "registration_no": "87654321",
  "vat_no": "CZ12121212",
  "local_vat_no": null,
  "vat_mode": "vat_payer",
  "vat_price_mode": "without_vat",
  "street": "Hopsinková 14",
  "city": "Praha",
  "zip": "10000",
  "country": "CZ",
  "currency": "CZK",
  "unit_name": "",
  "vat_rate": 21,
  "displayed_note": "",
  "invoice_note": "Fakturujeme Vám následující položky",
  "due": 14,
  "invoice_language": "cz",
  "invoice_payment_method": null,
  "invoice_proforma": false,
  "invoice_hide_bank_account_for_payments": null,
  "fixed_exchange_rate": false,
  "invoice_selfbilling": false,
  "default_estimate_type": null,
  "send_overdue_email": false,
  "overdue_email_days": 3,
  "send_repeated_reminders": false,
  "send_invoice_from_proforma_email": false,
  "send_thank_you_email": false,
  "invoice_paypal": false,
  "invoice_gopay": false,
  "digitoo_enabled": true,
  "digitoo_auto_processing_enabled": false,
  "digitoo_remaining_extractions": 44,
  "created_at": "2023-11-22T11:31:08.734+01:00",
  "updated_at": "2023-12-13T14:19:42.675+01:00"