

Attribute Type Description
Read-only attribute
id Integer Unique identifier in Fakturoid
custom_id String Identifier in your application
document_type String Type of document, more info below
Values: partial_proforma, proforma, correction, tax_document, final_invoice, invoice
proforma_followup_document String What to issue after a proforma is paid, more info below
Values: final_invoice_paid (Invoice paid), final_invoice (Invoice with edit), tax_document (Document to payment), none
Default if document type is proforma: final_invoice_paid
Otherwise default: null
tax_document_ids Array[Integer] Required only when creating a final invoice from tax documents.
Response then contains a more detailed list of such documents in the paid_advances field.
correction_id Integer ID of the invoice being corrected, specify this together with the correction flag.
The invoice will then automatically have correction_id set to point back at the correction.
number String Document number
Default: Calculate new number automatically
number_format_id Integer ID of a number format, can only be specified on create and is forbidden on update
Default: Inherit from account settings
variable_symbol String Variable symbol
Default: Calculate from document number automatically
Read-only attribute
your_name String Name of your company
Read-only attribute
your_street String Your address street
Read-only attribute
your_city String Your address city
Read-only attribute
your_zip String Your address postal code
Read-only attribute
your_country String Your address country (ISO code)
Read-only attribute
your_registration_no String Your registration number (IČO)
Read-only attribute
your_vat_no String Your VAT number (DIČ)
Read-only attribute
your_local_vat_no String Your SK DIČ (only for Slovakia, does not start with country code)
client_name String Subject company name
client_street String Subject address street
client_city String Subject address city
client_zip String Subject address postal code
client_country String Subject address country (ISO code)
client_has_delivery_address Boolean Enable delivery address
Default: Inherit from client subject
  • When creating invoice: If subject and invoice has delivery address enabled, the invoice delivery address is always copied from the subject delivery address.
  • When updating invoice: Invoice delivery address can be changed when this attribute is true. Setting it to false will clear the invoice delivery address.
client_delivery_name String Subject company delivery name
client_delivery_street String Subject delivery address street
client_delivery_city String Subject delivery address city
client_delivery_zip String Subject delivery address postal code
client_delivery_country String Subject delivery address country (ISO code)
client_registration_no String Subject registration number
client_vat_no String Subject VAT number
client_local_vat_no String Subject SK DIČ (only for Slovakia, does not start with country code)
Required attribute
subject_id Integer Subject ID
subject_custom_id String Subject identifier in your application
Read-only attribute
generator_id Integer Generator ID from which the document was generated
related_id Integer
  • When proforma: ID of related invoice
  • When invoice: ID of related proforma (works both on read and write)
  • When tax document: ID of related final invoice
paypal Boolean Enable PayPal payment button on invoice
Default: false
gopay Boolean Enable GoPay payment button on invoice
Default: false
Read-only attribute
token String Token string for the webinvoice URL
Read-only attribute
status String Current state of the document, see status table for more information
Values: open, sent, overdue, paid, cancelled, uncollectible
order_number String Order number in your application
issued_on Date Date of issue
taxable_fulfillment_due String Chargeable event date
due Integer Number of days until the invoice becomes overdue
Default: Inherit from account settings
Read-only attribute
due_on Date Date when the invoice becomes overdue (depends on due)
Read-only attribute
sent_at DateTime Date and time of sending the document via email
Read-only attribute
paid_on Date Date when the document was marked as paid
Read-only attribute
reminder_sent_at DateTime Date and time of sending a reminder
Read-only attribute
cancelled_at DateTime Date and time when the invoice was cancelled (only for non-VAT-payers)
Read-only attribute
uncollectible_at DateTime Date and time when an invoice was marked as uncollectible
Read-only attribute
locked_at DateTime Date and time when the document was locked
Read-only attribute
webinvoice_seen_on Date Date when the client visited the webinvoice
note String Text before lines
Default: Inherit from account settings
footer_note String Invoice footer
Default: Inherit from account settings
private_note String Private note
tags Array[String] List of tags
bank_account_id Integer Bank account ID (used only on create action)
Default: Inherit from account settings
bank_account String Bank account number
Default: Inherit from account settings
iban String IBAN
Default: Inherit from account settings
swift_bic String BIC (for SWIFT payments)
Default: Inherit from account settings
iban_visibility String Controls IBAN visibility on the document webinvoice and PDF. IBAN must be valid to show
Values: automatically, always
Default: automatically
show_already_paid_note_in_pdf Boolean Show „Do not pay, …“ on document webinvoice and PDF
Default: false
payment_method String Payment method
Values: bank, cash, cod (cash on delivery), card, paypal, custom
Default: Inherit from account settings
custom_payment_method String Custom payment method (payment_method attribute must be set to custom, otherwise the custom_payment_method value is ignored and set to null)
Value: String up to 20 characters
Default: Inherit from account settings if default account payment method is set to custom
hide_bank_account Boolean Hide bank account on webinvoice and PDF
Values: null, true, false
Default: Inherit from account settings
currency String Currency ISO code
Default: Inherit from account settings
exchange_rate Decimal Exchange rate (required if document currency differs from account currency)
language String Language of the document
Values: cz, sk, en, de, fr, it, es, ru, pl, hu, ro
Default: Inherit from account settings
transferred_tax_liability Boolean Use reverse charge
Default: false
supply_code String Supply code for statement about invoices in reverse charge
oss String Use OSS mode
Values: disabled, service, goods
Default: disabled
vat_price_mode String Calculate VAT from base or final amount, more info in a table below
Values: without_vat, from_total_with_vat
Write-only attribute
round_total Boolean Round total amount (VAT included)
Default: false
Read-only attribute
subtotal Decimal Total without VAT
Read-only attribute
total Decimal Total with VAT
Read-only attribute
native_subtotal Decimal Total without VAT in the account currency
Read-only attribute
native_total Decimal Total with VAT in the account currency
Read-only attribute
remaining_amount Decimal Remaining amount to pay (VAT included)
Read-only attribute
remaining_native_amount Decimal Remaining amount to pay in the account currency (VAT included)
Read-only attribute
eet_records Array[Object] EET records
lines Array[Object] List of lines to invoice
Read-only attribute
vat_rates_summary Array[Object] VAT rates summary
Read-only attribute
paid_advances Array[Object] List of paid advances (if final invoice)
Read-only attribute
payments Array[Object] List of payments
attachments Array[Object] List of attachments
Read-only attribute
html_url String Document HTML web address
Read-only attribute
public_html_url String Webinvoice web address
Read-only attribute
url String Document API address
Read-only attribute
pdf_url String PDF download address
Read-only attribute
subject_url String Subject API address
Read-only attribute
created_at String Date and time of document creation
Read-only attribute
updated_at String Date and time of last document update
  • Required attribute
    Required attribute (must always be present).
  • Read-only attribute
    Read-only attribute (cannot be changed).
  • Write-only attribute
    Write-only attribute (will not be returned).
  • Unmarked attributes are optional and can be omitted during request.

Invoice Status Table

Name Description
open Invoice is issued without being paid, sent, overdue or in any other state
sent Invoice was sent and is not overdue
overdue Invoice is overdue
paid Invoice is paid
cancelled Invoice is cancelled (only for VAT-payers)
uncollectible Invoice can no longer be paid and is thus uncollectible

VAT Price Mode

vat_price_mode settings is ignored in following cases:

  • Account is set as non VAT payer.
  • Reverse charge (transferred_tax_liability) is used.
Attribute Description
null Inherited automatically from the account settings
"without_vat" The price in the invoice line is entered without VAT and the VAT is calculated automatically as a percentage from the line
"from_total_with_vat" The price in the invoice line is inclusive of VAT and the VAT is calculated from it

Document Type

Name Description
invoice Invoice
proforma Proforma
partial_proforma Legacy partial proforma (cannot be set for new documents)
correction Correction document for an invoice
tax_document Tax document for a received payment
final_invoice Final invoice for tax documents

Proforma Followup Document

If document_type is set to proforma, the field proforma_followup_document is used to determine what to issue once the proforma is paid.

Name Description
final_invoice_paid Labelled Invoice paid on the web.
Automatically issue an invoice that will be marked as paid.
final_invoice Labelled Invoice with edit on the web.
  • Invoice has be created manually (either via web or by calling create API endpoint).
  • Specify Query Parameter related_id to the proforma ID.
  • It is necessary to copy the lines from the proforma into the new invoice but you are free to change/add or remove any line and the invoice total price will reflect the changes.
tax_document Labelled Document to payment on the web.
Automatically create a tax document to the received payment that will be on the same amount as the payment (invoice is not created).
none Do not issue any document after receiving payment.

EET Records

For legacy purpose of invoices issued with EET records. Cannot be used on new invoices.

Attribute Description
id Record ID
vat_no VAT number (DIČ) in Fakturoid
number Document serial number
store Store ID
cash_register Cash register number
paid_at Payment date and time
vat_base0 Base amount not subjected to VAT
vat_base1 Base amount for basic VAT rate (21 %)
vat1 VAT amount for basic VAT rate
vat_base2 Base amount for first lowered VAT rate (15 %)
vat2 VAT amount for first lowered VAT rate
vat_base3 Base amount for second lowered VAT rate (10 %)
vat3 VAT amount for second lowered VAT rate
total Total paid amount
fik FIK code
bkp BKP code
pkp PKP code
status Evidence/register status:
  • waiting – waiting for first response from EET server
  • pkp: PKP code will be visible on the invoice
  • fik: FIK code will be visible on the invoice
fik_received_at Date and time when FIK code was received from EET servers
  • true: The payment is recorded outside Fakturoid and required codes are specified via API
  • false: Fakturoid handles the correct evidence of the payment
attempts Number of attempts to register the payment
last_attempt_at Date and time of last attempt to register the payment
last_uuid UUID of the last attempt to register the payment
playground Payment registered in EET playground environment
invoice_id Invoice ID which the payment belongs to
created_at Date and time of EET record creation
updated_at Date and time of last EET record update

VAT rates summary

Attribute Type Description
Read-only attribute
vat_rate Integer/Decimal VAT rate
Read-only attribute
base Decimal Base total
Read-only attribute
vat Decimal VAT total
Read-only attribute
currency String Currency
Read-only attribute
native_base Decimal Base total in account currency
Read-only attribute
native_vat Decimal VAT total in account currency
Read-only attribute
native_currency String Account currency
Attribute Type Description
Read-only attribute
id Integer Tax document ID
Read-only attribute
number String Document number
Read-only attribute
variable_symbol String Variable symbol
Read-only attribute
paid_on Date Date of payment
Read-only attribute
vat_rate Integer/Decimal VAT rate
Read-only attribute
price Decimal Price for given VAT rate
Read-only attribute
vat Decimal VAT for given VAT rate



Attachments are sent as an array of objects. data_url attribute is a Data URI, e.g. "data:application/pdf;base64,xxx" where application/pdf is the MIME type of the attachment and xx is the Base64-encoded contents of the file.

Attribute Type Description
attachments Array[Object] Attachment object
Attachment object attribute Type Description
filename String Attachment file name
Default: attachment.{extension}
Required attribute
data_url String Attachment contents in the form of a Data URI


  …, // Other document attributes
  "attachments": [
      filename: "custom_name.pdf",
      data_url: "data:application/pdf;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSU…\n…\n" // Data truncated
      data_url: "data:application/pdf;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSU…\n…\n" // Data truncated
    // Other attachments

Response with attachment

Attribute Type Description
Read-only attribute
filename String Attachment file name
Read-only attribute
content_type String Attachment file MIME type
Read-only attribute
download_url String API URL for file download
  …, // Other document attributes
  "attachments": [
      "id": 3,
      "filename": "64d814c560.pdf",
      "content_type": "application/pdf",
      "download_url": ""

Response without attachment

  …, // Other document attributes
  "attachments": []



Attribute Type Description
Read-only attribute
id Integer Unique identifier in Fakturoid
Required attribute
name String Line name
quantity Decimal Quantity
Default: 1
unit_name String Unit name
Required attribute
unit_price Decimal Unit price
vat_rate Integer/Decimal VAT Rate
Default: 0
Read-only attribute
unit_price_without_vat Decimal Unit price without VAT
Read-only attribute
unit_price_with_vat Decimal Unit price including VAT
Read-only attribute
total_price_without_vat Decimal Total price without VAT
Read-only attribute
total_vat Decimal Total VAT
Read-only attribute
native_total_price_without_vat Decimal Total price without VAT in account currency
Read-only attribute
native_total_vat Decimal Total VAT in account currency
Write-only attribute
inventory_item_id Integer ID of the related inventory item, use this to set an ID during document creation
Write-only attribute
sku String Stock Keeping Unit (SKU), use this to load data from an inventory item with matching SKU code.
You can specify the other writable attributes as well and they will override the values from the inventory item.
Read-only attribute
inventory Object Inventory information
Default: null


Attribute Type Description
Read-only attribute
item_id Integer ID of the related inventory item
Read-only attribute
sku String Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)
Read-only attribute
article_number_type String Article number type (only if article_number is present)
Values: ian, ean, isbn
Read-only attribute
article_number String Article number (if present)
Read-only attribute
move_id Integer ID of the related inventory move

Line Example

  "id": 1304,
  "name": "Disk 2TB",
  "quantity": "2.0",
  "unit_name": "ks",
  "unit_price": "1000.0",
  "vat_rate": 21,
  "unit_price_without_vat": "1000.0",
  "unit_price_with_vat": "1210.0",
  "total_price_without_vat": "2000.0",
  "total_vat": "420.0",
  "native_total_price_without_vat": "2000.0",
  "native_total_vat": "420.0",
  "inventory": {
    "item_id": 28,
    "sku": "KU994RUR8465",
    "article_number_type": "ian",
    "article_number": "32165478",
    "move_id": 52

When editing a document, it is important to send the line ID with the lines, without it the line will be added again.

The unit_price_without_vat and unit_price_with_vat attributes are read-only and are set based on the amount entered in unit_price, the vat_rate and the vat_price_mode attribute.

The unit_price_without_vat and unit_price_with_vat attributes have the same value in the following cases:

  • The VAT rate is set to 0.
  • Reverse charge is enabled (if reverse charge is enabled on the document, the vat_price_mode setting is ignored).

You can use variables in recurring generators for inserting dates to your text.

More Examples

Unit price without VAT


  "vat_price_mode": "without_vat",
  "lines": [
      "unit_price": "1000.0",
      "vat_rate": "21"


  "vat_price_mode": "without_vat",
  "lines": [
      "unit_price": "1000.0",
      "vat_rate": "21",
      "unit_price_without_vat": "1000.0",
      "unit_price_with_vat": "1210.0"

Unit price with VAT


  "vat_price_mode": "from_total_with_vat",
  "lines": [
      "unit_price": "1210.0",
      "vat_rate": "21"


  "vat_price_mode": "from_total_with_vat",
  "lines": [
      "unit_price": "1000.0",
      "vat_rate": "21",
      "unit_price_without_vat": "1000.0",
      "unit_price_with_vat": "1210.0"

Delete Line

For deleting the line the attribute _destroy: true must be included:

  "id": 1234,
  "name": "PC",
  "quantity": "1.0",
  "unit_name": "",
  "unit_price": "20000.0",
  "vat_rate": 21,
  "_destroy": true

Invoices Index

Includes all documents like invoices, proformas, corrections and tax documents.




Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp

Query Parameters

Name Description Type Example
since Invoices created after this date DateTime 2023-08-25T10:55:14+02:00
until Invoices created before this date DateTime 2023-08-25T10:55:14+02:00
updated_since Invoices created or uptated after this date DateTime 2023-08-25T10:55:14+02:00
updated_until Invoices created or uptated before this date DateTime 2023-08-25T10:55:14+02:00
page Page number (40 records per page) Integer 2
subject_id Filter by subject ID Number 5
custom_id Filter by your own ID String 315
number Filter by document number String 2023-0005
status Filter by document status String paid
document_type Filter by document type String regular, proforma, correction, tax_document. See document type filter table below for more information.

Document Type Filter

Name Description
regular All documents except proforma invoices (invoices, correction documents, tax documents for received payments)
proforma Proforma invoices
correction Correction documents for invoices
tax_document Tax documents for received payments


Status 200 OK


    "id": 27,
    "custom_id": null,
    "document_type": "invoice",
    "proforma_followup_document": null,
    "correction_id": null,
    "number": "2023-0021",
    "number_format_id": 31,
    "variable_symbol": "20230021",
    "your_name": "Alexandr Hejsek",
    "your_street": "Hopsinková 14",
    "your_city": "Praha",
    "your_zip": "10000",
    "your_country": "CZ",
    "your_registration_no": "87654321",
    "your_vat_no": "CZ12121212",
    "your_local_vat_no": null,
    "client_name": "Apple Czech s.r.o.",
    "client_street": "Klimentská 1216/46",
    "client_city": "Praha",
    "client_zip": "11000",
    "client_country": "CZ",
    "client_registration_no": "28897501",
    "client_vat_no": "CZ28897501",
    "client_local_vat_no": null,
    "client_has_delivery_address": false,
    "client_delivery_name": null,
    "client_delivery_street": null,
    "client_delivery_city": null,
    "client_delivery_zip": null,
    "client_delivery_country": null,
    "subject_id": 16,
    "subject_custom_id": null,
    "generator_id": null,
    "related_id": null,
    "paypal": false,
    "gopay": false,
    "token": "69UqMuxhiA",
    "status": "sent",
    "order_number": null,
    "issued_on": "2023-11-30",
    "taxable_fulfillment_due": "2023-11-30",
    "due": 14,
    "due_on": "2023-12-14",
    "sent_at": "2023-12-01T09:05:47.117+01:00",
    "paid_on": null,
    "reminder_sent_at": null,
    "cancelled_at": null,
    "uncollectible_at": null,
    "locked_at": null,
    "webinvoice_seen_on": null,
    "note": "Fakturujeme Vám následující položky",
    "footer_note": "",
    "private_note": null,
    "tags": [],
    "bank_account": "1234/2010",
    "iban": null,
    "swift_bic": null,
    "iban_visibility": "automatically",
    "show_already_paid_note_in_pdf": false,
    "payment_method": "bank",
    "custom_payment_method": null,
    "hide_bank_account": false,
    "currency": "CZK",
    "exchange_rate": "1.0",
    "language": "cz",
    "transferred_tax_liability": false,
    "supply_code": null,
    "oss": "disabled",
    "vat_price_mode": "with_vat",
    "subtotal": "9133.6",
    "total": "11000.0",
    "native_subtotal": "9133.6",
    "native_total": "11000.0",
    "remaining_amount": "11000.0",
    "remaining_native_amount": "11000.0",
    "eet_records": [],
    "lines": [
        "id": 46,
        "name": "Grafická karta",
        "quantity": "1.0",
        "unit_name": "",
        "unit_price": "8264.0",
        "vat_rate": 21,
        "unit_price_without_vat": "8264.0",
        "unit_price_with_vat": "10000.0",
        "total_price_without_vat": "8264.0",
        "total_vat": "1736.0",
        "native_total_price_without_vat": "8264.0",
        "native_total_vat": "1736.0",
        "inventory": {
          "item_id": 26,
          "sku": "KU994RUR8465",
          "article_number_type": null,
          "article_number": null,
          "move_id": 56
        "id": 47,
        "name": "Jídlo",
        "quantity": "5.0",
        "unit_name": "",
        "unit_price": "173.92",
        "vat_rate": 15,
        "unit_price_without_vat": "173.92",
        "unit_price_with_vat": "200.0",
        "total_price_without_vat": "869.6",
        "total_vat": "130.4",
        "native_total_price_without_vat": "869.6",
        "native_total_vat": "130.4",
        "inventory": null
    "vat_rates_summary": [
        "vat_rate": 21,
        "base": "8264.0",
        "vat": "1736.0",
        "currency": "CZK",
        "native_base": "8264.0",
        "native_vat": "1736.0",
        "native_currency": "CZK"
        "vat_rate": 15,
        "base": "869.6",
        "vat": "130.4",
        "currency": "CZK",
        "native_base": "869.6",
        "native_vat": "130.4",
        "native_currency": "CZK"
    "paid_advances": [],
    "payments": [],
    "attachments": null,
    "html_url": "",
    "public_html_url": "",
    "url": "",
    "pdf_url": "",
    "subject_url": "",
    "created_at": "2023-11-30T13:50:45.848+01:00",
    "updated_at": "2023-12-01T09:05:47.187+01:00"

Following fields are being searched: number, variable_symbol, client_name, note, private_note, footer_note and lines. Search by tags is done via tags query parameter.




Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp

Query Parameters

Name Description Type Example
query Search query String Search string
tags Search in tags Array[String] ["PPC"]
page Page number (40 records per page) Integer 2


Status 200 OK


    "id": 12,
    "number": "2023-0006",
    "tags": [

Invoice Detail




Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp
id Invoice ID Integer 1


Status 200 OK


  "id": 27,
  "number": "2023-0021",
  … // Other fields truncated for brevity

Download Invoice PDF

  • It takes a little while until the PDF is generated so if you do request the PDF before it is ready you will receive status 204 No Content in which case you should wait a second or two and try again.
  • If PDF is ready you will receive 200 OK along with PDF contents in the response body.
  • After invoice create or update you should wait a second or two again before requesting the PDF.




Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp
id Invoice ID Integer 1


Status 200 OK


Name Value
Content-Type application/pdf
Content-Transfer-Encoding binary


… Binary data …

Response if PDF cannot be downloaded yet

Status 204 No Content

Download Attachment




Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp
invoice_id Invoice ID Integer 1
id Attachment ID Integer 2


Status 200 OK


Name Value
Content-Type application/pdf
Content-Transfer-Encoding binary
Content-Disposition attachment; filename="1693487757.pdf"; filename*=UTF-8''1693487757.pdf


… Binary data …

Response if file cannot be downloaded

Status 204 No Content

Invoice Actions

Event Description
mark_as_sent Mark invoice as sent
cancel Cancel invoice
undo_cancel Undo invoice cancellation
lock Lock invoice
unlock Unlock invoice
mark_as_uncollectible Mark invoice as uncollectible
undo_uncollectible Undo invoice marking as uncollectible




Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp
id Invoice ID Integer 1

Query Parameters

Name Description Type Example
event Event name String mark_as_sent


Status 204 No Content

Response if action cannot be fired

Status 422 Unprocessable Entity


  "errors": {
    "event": [
      "lock cannot be fired"

Create Invoice

  • After successful invoice creation, you will receive a 201 Created response from the server, the location header will be set to the address of the newly created invoice.
  • If invalid data is sent, you will receive a 422 Unprocessable Entity response from the server and a JSON with a list of errors in the sent data.
  • In the case where no bank account is specified in Fakturoid account, the API returns a 403 Forbidden. The body of the response will contain a description of the error with a link to the bank account settings (bank account cannot be entered via the API).




Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (
Content-Type application/json

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp


  "custom_id": "1234",
  "subject_id": 16,
  "due": 21,
  "issued_on": "2023-11-19",
  "taxable_fulfillment_due": "2023-11-19",
  "lines": [
      "name": "Hard work",
      "quantity": "1.0",
      "unit_name": "h",
      "unit_price": "40000",
      "vat_rate": "21"


Status 201 Created


  "id": 529,
  "custom_id": "1234",
  "number": "2023-0024",
  "due": 21,
  "due_on": "2023-12-10",
  … // Other fields truncated for brevity

Request with invalid data


  "number": "invalid"


Status 422 Unprocessable Entity


  "errors": {
    "number": [
      "The number does not match the number format in the settings"
    "client_name": [
      "can't be blank"
    "subject_id": [
      "can't be blank",
      "Contact does not exist."

Response if no bank account is present

Status 403 Forbidden


  "errors": {
    "bank_account": [
      "Please set up a bank account in your Fakturoid account to create an invoice."

Update Invoice

  • If invoice is successfully updated the server will respond with 200 OK and a JSON body with its data.
  • Request with invalid data will result in response 422 Unprocessable Entity with a JSON body describing errors found in the request.
  • Trying to update a locked invoice will respond with 403 Forbidden.




Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (
Content-Type application/json

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp
id Invoice ID Integer 1


  "due": "14"


Status 200 OK


  "id": 529,
  "due": 14,
  "due_on": "2023-12-03",
  … // Other fields truncated for brevity

Request with invalid data


  "number": "invalid"


Status 422 Unprocessable Entity


  "errors": {
    "number": [
      "The number does not match the number format in the settings"

Response if document is locked

Status 403 Forbidden


  "error": "document_locked",
  "error_description": "Document first needs to be unlocked to perform the action"

Delete Invoice

  • If successfully deleted the server will respond with status 204 No Content.
  • If invoice cannot be deleted the server will respond with status 422 Unprocessable Entity.
    Cases when the invoice cannot be deleted:
    • Proforma which already has a paid invoice connected to it.
    • Invoice which has a correction invoice connected to it.
    • Proforma which has tax documents connected to it.
    • Tax document which has invoice connected to it.
    • Document is locked.




Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp
id Invoice ID Integer 1


Status 204 No Content

Response if invoice cannot be deleted

Status 422 Unprocessable Entity


  "errors": {
    "document": [
      "Document cannot be deleted"