

Attribute Type Description
Read-only attribute
id Integer Unique identifier in Fakturoid
custom_id String Identifier in your application
Read-only attribute
user_id Integer User ID who created the subject
type String Type of subject
Values: "customer", "supplier", "both"
Default: "customer"
Required attribute
name String Name of the subject
full_name String Contact person name
email String Main email address receive invoice emails
email_copy String Email copy address to receive invoice emails
phone String Phone number
web String Web page
street String Street
city String City
zip String ZIP or postal code
country String Country (ISO code)
Default: Account setting
has_delivery_address Boolean Enable delivery address
Default: false
To be able to set delivery address in the attributes below this must be set to true.
Upon setting this to false, the delivery address below is cleared.
delivery_name String Delivery address name
delivery_street String Delivery address street
delivery_city String Delivery address city
delivery_zip String Delivery address ZIP or postal code
delivery_country String Delivery address country (ISO code)
Default: Account setting
due Integer Number of days until an invoice is due for this subject
Default: Inherit from account settings
currency String Currency (ISO code)
Default: Inherit from account settings
language String Invoice language
Default: Inherit from account settings
private_note String Private note
registration_no String Registration number (IČO)
vat_no String VAT-payer VAT number (DIČ, IČ DPH in Slovakia, typically starts with the country code)
local_vat_no String SK DIČ (only in Slovakia, does not start with country code)
Read-only attribute
unreliable Boolean Unreliable VAT-payer
Read-only attribute
unreliable_checked_at DateTime Date of last check for unreliable VAT-payer
legal_form String A three-digit number (as a string). Describes whether subject is a physical/natural person or a company of some sort. For list of codes see a CSV file on the official Legal form page (corresponds to chodnota field).
vat_mode String VAT mode
bank_account String Bank account number
iban String IBAN
swift_bic String SWIFT/BIC
variable_symbol String Fixed variable symbol (used for all invoices for this client instead of invoice number)
setting_update_from_ares String Whether to update subject data from ARES. Used to override account settings
Values: inherit, on, off
Default: inherit
Updating this will also update the deprecated ares_update attribute.
If both this and the deprecated attribute are present, the new one takes precedence.
ares_update Boolean Whether to update subject data from ARES. Used to override account settings
Default: true
Deprecated in favor of setting_update_from_ares
Updating this will also update the new attribute.
setting_invoice_pdf_attachments String Whether to attach invoice PDF in email. Used to override account settings
Values: inherit, on, off
Default: inherit
setting_estimate_pdf_attachments String Whether to attach estimate PDF in email. Used to override account settings
Values: inherit, on, off
Default: inherit
setting_invoice_send_reminders String Whether to send overdue invoice email reminders. Used to override account settings
Values: inherit, on, off
Default: inherit
suggestion_enabled Boolean Suggest for documents
Default: true
custom_email_text String New invoice custom email text
overdue_email_text String Overdue reminder custom email text
invoice_from_proforma_email_text String Proforma paid custom email text
thank_you_email_text String Thanks for payment custom email text
custom_estimate_email_text String Estimate custom email text
webinvoice_history String Webinvoice history
Values: null, "disabled", "recent", "client_portal"
Default: null (inherit from account settings)
Read-only attribute
html_url String Subject HTML web address
Read-only attribute
url String Subject API address
Read-only attribute
created_at DateTime Date and time of subject creation
Read-only attribute
updated_at DateTime Date and time of last subject update
  • Required attribute
    Required attribute (must always be present).
  • Read-only attribute
    Read-only attribute (cannot be changed).
  • Write-only attribute
    Write-only attribute (will not be returned).
  • Unmarked attributes are optional and can be omitted during request.

Subjects Index

If query parameters since and updated_since are not valid date time format (ISO 8601) the server will respond with 400 Bad Request.




Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp

Query Parameters

Name Description Type Example
since Subjects created after this date DateTime 2023-08-25T10:55:14+02:00
updated_since Subject created or uptated after this date DateTime 2023-08-25T10:55:14+02:00
page Page number (40 records per page) Integer 2
custom_id Filter by your own ID String 315


Status 200 OK


    "id": 16,
    "custom_id": null,
    "user_id": null,
    "type": "customer",
    "name": "Apple Czech s.r.o.",
    "full_name": null,
    "email": "",
    "email_copy": null,
    "phone": null,
    "web": "",
    "street": "Klimentská 1216/46",
    "city": "Praha",
    "zip": "11000",
    "country": "CZ",
    "has_delivery_address": false,
    "delivery_name": null,
    "delivery_street": null,
    "delivery_city": null,
    "delivery_zip": null,
    "delivery_country": null,
    "due": null,
    "currency": null,
    "language": null,
    "private_note": null,
    "registration_no": "28897501",
    "vat_no": "CZ28897501",
    "local_vat_no": null,
    "unreliable": null,
    "unreliable_checked_at": null,
    "legal_form": null,
    "vat_mode": null,
    "bank_account": null,
    "iban": null,
    "swift_bic": null,
    "variable_symbol": null,
    "setting_update_from_ares": "inherit",
    "ares_update": false,
    "setting_invoice_pdf_attachments": "inherit",
    "setting_estimate_pdf_attachments": "inherit",
    "setting_invoice_send_reminders": "inherit",
    "suggestion_enabled": true,
    "custom_email_text": null,
    "overdue_email_text": null,
    "invoice_from_proforma_email_text": null,
    "thank_you_email_text": null,
    "custom_estimate_email_text": null,
    "webinvoice_history": null,
    "html_url": "",
    "url": "",
    "created_at": "2023-08-22T10:59:00.330+02:00",
    "updated_at": "2023-08-22T10:59:00.330+02:00"

Following fields are being searched: name, full_name, email, email_copy, registration_no, vat_no and private_note.




Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp

Query Parameters

Name Description Type Example
query Search query String Apple
page Page number (40 records per page) Integer 2


Status 200 OK


    "id": 16,
    "custom_id": null,
    "user_id": null,
    "type": "customer",
    "name": "Apple Czech s.r.o.",
    … // Other fields truncated for brevity

Subject Detail




Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp
id Subject ID Integer 1


Status 200 OK


  "id": 16,
  "custom_id": null,
  "user_id": null,
  "type": "customer",
  "name": "Apple Czech s.r.o.",
  … // Other fields truncated for brevity

Create Subject

  • The only required atribute is the name of the subject. If country is not specified, it is copied from the account settings.
  • If subject is successfuly created the server will respond with 201 Created and a JSON body with its data. A Location header will also be returned which contains a link to the newly created subject.
  • If subject limit should be exceeded the server will respond with 403 Forbidden. If you are on a free plan Zdarma, you will need to upgrade to a paid plan. If you are already on a paid plan, please contact our support.
  • Request with invalid data will result in response 422 Unprocessable Entity with a JSON body describing errors found in the request.




Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (
Content-Type application/json

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp


  "name": "MICROSOFT s.r.o.",
  "street": "Vyskočilova 1461/2a",
  "city": "Praha",
  "zip": "14000",
  "country": "CZ",
  "registration_no": "47123737",
  "vat_no": "CZ47123737",
  "variable_symbol": "1234567890"


Status 201 Created


Name Value


  "id": 41,
  "custom_id": null,
  "user_id": 5,
  "type": "customer",
  "name": "MICROSOFT s.r.o.",
  … // Other fields truncated for brevity

Request with invalid data


  "name": ""


Status 422 Unprocessable Entity


  "errors": {
    "name": [
      "je povinná položka",
      "je příliš krátký/á/é (min. 2 znaků)"

Response if cannot add more subjects (limit would be exceeded)

Status 403 Forbidden

Update Subject

  • If subject is successfuly updated the server will respond with 200 OK and a JSON body with its data.
  • Request with invalid data will result in response 422 Unprocessable Entity with a JSON body describing errors found in the request.




Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (
Content-Type application/json

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp
id Subject ID Integer 1


  "city": "Praha"


Status 200 OK


  "id": 41,
  "custom_id": null,
  "user_id": 5,
  "type": "customer",
  "name": "MICROSOFT s.r.o.",
  … // Other fields truncated for brevity

Request with invalid data


  "email": "bad@email"


Status 422 Unprocessable Entity


  "errors": {
    "email": [
      "Prosím zkontrolujte email."

Delete Subject

If a subject contains any documents it cannot be deleted and the server will respond with 403 Forbidden.




Name Value
User-Agent YourApp (

URL Parameters

Name Description Type Example
slug Account name String applecorp
id Subject ID Integer 1


Status 204 No Content

Response if subject cannot be deleted

Status 422 Unprocessable Entity
  "errors": {
    "document": [
      "Document cannot be deleted"